Product Type:
- Automatic Adhesive Filling Systems
Market Category:
- Packaging | SWF Vertical Carton Tray Forming or Conversions
- Packaging | Corrugated Tray Making
The Valco Melton Auto-feed vacuum system automatically administers adhesive into a connected hot melt tank, avoiding time loss and extra labor costs caused by typical manual refilling operations. The auto-feed system offers all-around safety, time-efficiency, and quality for an even better product. A total lifting part allows for easy access for maintenance and check-ups. Offers a specially designed custom lid assembly and a probe to measure and maintain the adhesive level. Includes a visual and audible alarm and system fill indicator.
Product Specifications
- Constant refilling avoids charring of the adhesive in the tank for maximum productivity and quality gluing.
- non-direct labor contact ensures safety.
- complete elimination of adhesive waste, spillage, and contamination.
- Reduces thermal impact in the applicator tank.